Earth Dragon

Earth Dragon

Earth Dragon Years: 1928, 1988, 2148
Active ElementEarth
Associated Sun SignAries ♈
Dragon ElementsWood DragonFire DragonEarth DragonMetal DragonWater Dragon.
Earth Dragon is a very successful person. Not only that, he himself can achieve everything, so he is still all ready to help and serve. It is highly valued and almost always replenished. Earthy Dragons sincerely wish others good. Persistent and stubborn, they are always in business and care, so they often become very wealthy people. Curious and meticulous, everyone is interested in everything, they try and study all their lives. A few emotions and romantic experiences would brighten up the monotonous life of these Dragons.
Sociable Dragon is a "manager" who wants to completely control his life and those around him. Because he is a Dragon, despotism is peculiar to him, and it is foolish to expect anything different from him. However, he is just and appreciates the opinions of others, even if he does not agree with them. Earth element makes it realistic, balanced and often even slightly impersonal.
Not being as harsh as the other Dragons, he still seeks to subjugate people. True, he resolves the problems intelligently, but he does not lead the administration arbitrarily. He tirelessly develops his talents and tries to realize them. This Dragon understands the importance of cooperation with people, and strives to work for the common good. It can not be accused of selfishness, stinginess or pettiness.
The Earth Dragon can control itself; he is initiative, holistic, unhurried and better able to carry out what he started to the end than other Dragons. He is aristocratic, calm and not inclined to disputes. However, if you touch his self-esteem, he will certainly answer, because it requires respect for oneself.

Earth Dragon Chinese Zodiac

Dragons of the Earth is a very stable type of people who know exactly what they want and set themselves clear and achievable goals. In the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon in principle takes a weighty place, as, indeed, a number of other signs of the zodiac. A distinctive feature of Earth Dragons is the necessary amount of vital forces and competent direction in order to achieve the most difficult and time-consuming purposes, even if it is necessary to attract support from the outside. This is an amazing sign of the zodiac, which gives its owner extensive opportunities to implement the goals of a certain plan, which can have a qualitative impact on the flow of life.
Representatives of Earth Dragons do not cherish illusions to the surrounding world and the current moments, they look at everything with fresh eyes and do not build any illusions related to the unrealistic attitude towards what is happening. This attitude greatly contributes to them achieving a real result for a certain period.
They are materialists in a good sense of the word. They will not waste their thoughtless waste of their savings. There is a desire to carry out the preservation of their property and place in secluded places with the aim of not allowing situations related to loss.
From them, parents who are unrivaled in terms of heat and responsibility are received, since all the necessary skills are seen in the character traits, as described in the Chinese horoscope. They know how to preserve peace and peace in their own family, except for some cases when they can turn into despotic natures.
The optimal time for active action is considered to be the end of the summer months and the presence of a certain amount of moisture in the air that promotes recovery. A positive moment is the need to spend free time in nature for active pursuits, whether it is walking with children or working in the garden. Since there is a tendency to completeness, it is simply necessary to maintain activity throughout the entire cycle.
They insanely go gray-green in clothes, as it brings the maximum of positive aspects by its presence on the state of the soul of the Earth Dragon.

Earth Dragon Man

A calm, balanced man demonstrates a serious approach to any business. He does not like surprises and surprises, he tries to foresee all possible troubles. Sociable, knows how to put people to him. No less vain than all the Dragons, but does not show too clearly his fighting spirit. He prefers to solve problems peacefully, he always tries to agree. At work, he is a responsible leader, in ordinary life — a good friend and faithful companion. Friendly and generous with respect to his loved ones, he enjoys well-deserved respect. Especially successful in solving financial problems, therefore, does not experience any material problems, it is happy to help all those in need.
Men born in the year of the Earth Dragon have all the necessary qualities that women like. Very rarely live life alone, unable to create a family. In communication behave like real gentlemen, try to please the chosen one, they like to make gifts with meaning. Earth Dragon man is quite demanding, he will never like a woman who does not share his hobbies. He values ​​spiritual qualities more than external data. Having married, fully focuses on his family. This is a caring husband and a loving father, tries to create the most favorable conditions for relatives. Spends a lot of time with children, shares his life experience with them.

Earth Dragon Woman

For this calm, balanced woman there is, and there can not be circumstances, forcing her to cuss and scandal. Always friendly to people, trying to find a common language with everyone without exception. Especially politely behaves with co-workers, is considered a strict but fair boss. It shows reasonable discretion, will not exhaust the subordinates with unrealistic requests. Earth Dragon is a smart woman, if desired, can take place in any profession, but the best way is to solve financial problems. She gets on well with children, often chooses the profession of a teacher or educator. In any business shows its best qualities: restraint, perseverance, diligence.
In a romantic relationship, she remains reasonable and calm, tries to do without a stormy clarification of relations. Although perfectly gives a report to all that is happening. The most experienced flatterer and smoothie will not be able to confuse her, she will not meet with a frivolous man. Earth Dragon is a woman so balanced that she controls her feelings and emotions well. Seriously refers to a love relationship, if a fan could win her trust, then — the wedding is just around the corner. In the family life does not expect a special romance, quite calmly refers to everyday life. I am ready to give my husband and children all my attention, which does not prevent her from successfully solving working problems.

Chinese Sign Calculator

Horse 馬 — seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac. Refers to the Yang, primal element — Fire. Year of Horse (2026201420021990197819661954) — cheerful, popular, smart, mundane, receptive, talkative, mobile, attractive, intelligent, penetrating, flexible, open.

Dragon Compatibility

Dragon Combinations

Chinese Zodiac Earth Element

Earth Dragon


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